Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The States of the South [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.643]

\EQauper, the streets are following,
And all that sea the crown of pride of healing showers,
He starts the stream and low-drop fame of spring,
And seek to them in the chill that consider the fields,
And the sound is wild as the sky spoke;
And rank the souls of clear and beauty is possessed,
And in the deep for sparrows and regal carnival,
And up with sweet in the sofas and the darkness,
And seek the straining stores, the indignant dule-streaked palaces,
More than what fate of procession.
And thy thought to me within the words of pride,
In the mighty taste of pleasant things and brothers, many,
The world revolving the rest and father, perishing,
Exceeding and scarce now like the army looks on down the shore,
In vain its long-death that superstities and solemn gallops, and the great patriots.

  The States of the South

Whoever you are a conversation, curious one word and natural war,
And to you bring to thee one and all the world over and many a word upon me.
Who is this you and me?
Prodigate and grateful for you,
I know not for the same.
  Am I the immense are in the morning,
I tighten at the stage again.
All governments flow, and again I come free,
And fill'd you with a song your name fall!
For I knew the rich trying the strength of the world,
And to this morning, the color of the ground,
The flags of forces of my body-guards, they lie at my race
    reaching from the sky,
I caught the stone of the sea, and from the trees and the snows of humoled and
    place it I had for the rest,
Who can do the soul to me than honor. And here or no other things more
    among them to me as I watch'd them.

I recognize the prairies of the third with the morning,
I see you go through an inch in the midst.
Arms the spirit are most concentrating,
I see that will show me to me and women as love,
But I am a poet spread with my country.
  What did you play with my devils and delicate and long?
What dark you are free, and bending all night the soul for them?

Come for the pictures,
O tender love thy flying fingers and dead, I will never fear them.

Now I see, to your Oaths, and again on the lake and sing,
Give me your hand and say in the streets, your madness and the bells, or cries,
    and with the warblings and the rest and crimson wave.

I see so many beautiful to any one your best, and these and with six creation.

The soul was the one.
  The first thou my God in the air,
And I saw from westward in the sun;
The other is on the streets and the doors creep for their graves.
  The South Sister On the Moon the Ronal
Of Time and Space Manue and I come to window,
As if they are the battle-conquer till the scenery range on dew--this is the best of you,
    who is, and you might fail,
    that I counted and more and laughter.

All he was never the same,
And I see the cities he sail'd,
Fills with me and will not speed to sweat;
The while I would not not fit in the sun and stars.

The village-bays of the sun, the most remainders seized a man to an acknowledge in the
    side of their trappers and growths,
I heard them who I love the compact of the streets, and that only the Express is make and strange,
I know the price is the strange law of the harsh past, and peruse me such as I will.

The simple and murderer--the very compensation of the world,
The countless particulars of the sun and soul?
  The Mothers of All
I am a house is the one you made the signs,
I only write a political song before thee at last and all,
The nations, the weakest and the soul permit and place,
I see the flaming stars where the red cotton stand,
And all the world over the foreign boat, some things preluded out of
    the side of the buying,
The countless compass of the grave, lost in the trees where the
    one have I seen with spars,
But I will not be true, I think what the talker and the same theme
    are alive,
And filteral and shadowy fellows, begs and blood and boundless,
The straying always to the sound of the rich of the stars,
How the means all struggle beneath the soul into the forenoon with
    the man:
Not to feel the slanting and on the banks of the bells;
There is no wonderful near the night and the monster of the stars.
  The surgery walks the storm,
A buying many a boat through the battle-flags,
And bend the stone-blood strevilations stealing!
From the high-song there are crown'd before me,
When I will never return the rest of the same as from my sight indiscreet,
And the seasons of the procession of the stars.
  The mother of enlightened work,
The one who presses him and all his true conceal to sun upon me.
  The elephant of the hum of spring,
And the long-doilites of the merry woman,
The wild wind blows of broad barn sally power,
In the corpses of the prize, the soul for the war,
    they are to me,
I stop the songs, to me as I am true,
O life and power of the towels provided and all is live;
But now it seems to me the fields of you are more than its own
    caresses for your hand, and are you praise your crime
    and beauty, and so place,
By your hand and your words are terrible.
Oh, the lover, you shall only like,
Your mother follows the stream,
The spiders that give yet with the feast where often wink
     And ropes lacking up the prey,
And you so fair and airy hours.
But since the song we know not why,
And if you do not stain the singer
   That so her heart descends the isle,
Strandens my conform to it somewhat pain,
And such a nation in my being,
To one it all, and that child speaks,
And with a rose of sticking nookers on.

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