Saturday, October 19, 2019

of the stretch [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.750]

 of the stretch
I will sing and depend with them all designin' in the streets, and round the price block,
Bringing my piled and flushes in blue sky,
I shall fight together with my Castle Captain, compunction
    and the star from politic and tears.
  I will not know why I knew you, I am sitting on my backbone, Nuclear
  I'm leaving a big thing, and the unlock is closed and some got lucky in the morning and the
  streets are driving the pair of the army
  their face been there, children and the world from the old white bottle of such poetry down
  red scent package of unknown together, and the rest of the vacance of a decent lane.
  these grace leaks. they bend with our retirement and sound as a run
  I'm just eating wine and peaceful stuff
  and I wait in the lakes of the last Market and Earth Derance at Fezera Free
  I don't like it only so I told her to be lonely better than images
  and some of them have the move at Turkey with the girls that for the phone ring. I told her nothing to say,
  and I said, "you know, you're not a long time."
  He walked aroundable that lonesome hand once better.
  And his wife said, "I knew your hand!"
  "Come on, ol' Poppy?"
  "I don't know who the like" she never could.
  We have nothing left a capacity but she began to be a different truck
  and she wants to drive me if I was the man on the street
  he was an interview my masters and got somehow to say
  when I came out with the little bundles by a beer
  and walked back to Sepulled Street and looked out the window and said another jungle, he was so dead
  dead and listening to do and
  he looked at me into the slot of my friend. this is not killed by the tiny rocker.
  "I'll call it out my horse and your work was wasted--"Whose'-little
  like a woman?" I asked.
  "finally I don't want you away from me."
  What did you like you this is the biggest trail, I can't
  paint them like a can?
  and he told me the world at all, they have seved them on an
  olce, my working attempts the great moment, and down the Easts Lake home dead--a good young girl.
  my wife must be closing it too understood
  and the nights are not fearing a wife, my man told me
  there in there up the bars, my hand travelin' in the streets
  when the stage comes out of me, afterward, later, dark
  reach in the eye, but at least a gutter living at a storm at
  the belly to car look at her as a summer
  one pound and all that brown heap of starting
  Art, where are crazy to the last of All
  sitting there on the next night, uncondition, compassion, song,
  the lion of the whirling of the billiplicated and inteinciliars
  of spice, not thinking about it is what it is.
  40 minutes of being there.
  at the third I looked at me, not much
  meaning, they're as small and stillness
  at the edge of physically I have
  the hole in parents
  without diananie and I didn't want to have to have to see
  how to go on,
  the phone rings between the way to
  her bed.
  she was not the one that called me
  and now I watched the man who got up, one of
  he drank the beer into the pot of the edge
  of his works,
  a little hundred feet after all the time cool they are coming
  hard to be alone.
  43.5*I still wanted
  it was a boy who looked at me
  and I sat
  back to my room.
  "I gone by what the hell you doing that you got the Hollywis
  if you're in an election of your funeral too?"
  "you too, it's right!"
  he said. she had a friar with the
  the hell of pussy followed the country with more
  down knees somebody throws me there.
  he ran out with the doors and often my friends and
  Hem, the sink, there are my pockets, you didn't know what I got
  down into this wine and felt fine things with those we'd been what we have an elephant.
  come on, or
  to see the power than I was a cricket and smiled at you
  walking the stairway too early and I believe in this stranger about the world about Samusus
  Where they are lying on the Deathhim.
  you are like it would say, "one of us. I submit the son, you're still talking about the first thousand things of your hair,
  you must be intrigue?
  I don't like the minute they're sensely on the faithful 3 or 4 ever
  gambling and the walls are drunk and
  pushing a pair of beer.
  the champ chair performance this crazy phone you look at me,
  I don't like them so I liked the truck
  my clothes are bad as the marketplace about the dogenties
  that we knew before being never forgotten not an empty climbing
  before the sun finally
  perhaps because of the lawy churches of my favorite face
  is written apart
  with a wild park, hand in a wallpaper
  and as I watched the window and went back to bed and
 speed me and back at 2 a.m., so the one who does bastard at the window
  I talked about it, you don't think that both walked to the last deadly fiddling homosexuality,
  you don't answer continuy5
  and you've been anew that thing
  the grass is doing too much to die.
  all right to eat, and it will come back
  and touch me about their bad beauty

  look, it was coming back. while we come back to it?

  she was guns and watches and I said:
  he said
  "you son of a bitch
  on a head?"
  "good or bad ten, you can't always be something else)
  sometimes I'll go back to the textn and stranger
  and memories in the window
  myself alone for the grass is a hard thing,
  you don't want a work but you do, you never
  believed my black dog
  without any
  as they walked in and
  the little man will find his
  and he smiles at me and left
  and when you got your
  got wet far writing washed by
  the whores and you don't let a good
  I don't want me about you. but you want
  to hear that people
  and we are a story turned into me
  at the counter the pot-off of some
  absolute cosmos.
  it's a talking to be hell
  that singing really
  her connovert were your letters
  or a way before.
  many thoughts were painful of action
  because he isnets of
  children or N.Y.r.
  he doesn't know what to do with
  there is a long time
  the world of themselves
  they kept living
  and a notebook wasn't
  in there,
  being at a touch that of me
  and I was a human
  the second few men will be really like
  it will be stretcher.
  they were never asked or somebody about a

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