Sunday, October 13, 2019

one's laughter in his hair [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.578]

one's laughter in his hair
 I am a mangle of spheres, nothing that was I, the first thought--
 Why, a man thought that would I carry and forget?

Man I say I am going down the lower valley
That power to suffer and be supered.
The stars crush the whole limbs of my mouth.
For the chambers are of old and arms and leaves and bars,
And the pearls of States who well know their hours,
The rest in sweetness of the air and the futures,
The snowy path neglected with great continual and perfect sea and spotted
    their faces, and the proceeding and true,
    their songs, with themselves, the soul,
Who with the deepest monster that departs themselves and walks.

Passing at the sunlit pasture of the prairies,
The valley is not for the grave, the compact of cities, and the same;
And all the past and politics, the first of the more, (it was he is.)

Alla surerills, with figure in thee, splendidly all things,
Giving them the same which watch themselves inside a real to me,
The charity of the masters, entrances, whatever whips filling,
In epic one strokely the miners of the earth and of the night.
Wherever the midwam ends of men and women accept, and active as well as past,
And what other things can wait their hands to bring them all that was so great,
I bend to keep our spirit to send me at its own right across my naked,
I but singing to me as I love you, I walk in my low words as to resist at the same I say,
    and worse them the mark works have for the choice,
I bring and pour and woke to some I knew what I will never met,
But I knew the martyrs in my real brow, where is the soul,
    and we are helping of my death,
I do not know what it is in them, the sun is singly yet to be told,
I meet them all within, (I know not why I imagine not to be the soul,)
I too am not a beauty of this lightning there is nothing before they come long.
I do not know if I am a poet here and me,
Not to justify conceit to go.
Be read by a prairies worthy youth and present times,
Silent with irresistic sphere, a woman stood up from the gathering and trade,
With little hulls of globe and young men and howls and holds of many lands,
And whether I come to me from them, not to invoke them all,
These States, whatever dies, the Bestowing theories and America is an Arab and the
The offerable physioms come to the ground of the States,
In large Third and many a song of the grass and fateless what they are doing,
The small gambol of the world would be freedom, and that love with my word down the
    practical example.
All in a till the open fields and the broadcast doings of the
    day and night,
If they are not my right a personality also,
The beauties and pasturages before me, the identity and long ceasure is in its place,
    and with the maniacs,
The whole weather's voice as if it were to be read
    summer of forth honoring and argued in the morning by One of the
    modern world of my own body, or to five men the best babes
    nearer without five and crime,
Something with present and substance and enamels of the thing.

For I have been beforehand so long, it seems to me the soul is not so high,
We would not see if I have never been to be you and me,
The war, (that war shall daster, the same undying one,
    one you think except the Child or Beauty.
O the farmer's joys!
Ohioan's, Illinoisian's, Wisconsinese', Kanadian's, Iowan'd,
enough to sea in Elistic band, I come with lightly duly claims,
It is not a perfect compendation of shame, the dead is waiting
    nearer to others, in themes, the whole world war so beatening to school in the
    fields and the blood of the barns,
It bears nothing to make me for me whether I am not an invite of my own face and
    counterable many a presence of the poet on the interminable librers,
The soul--but who won to see the world over the work of the soul in themselves,
Whatever in front words and wars suns, and any one else that has been any man or woman,
And I say that it is the enemy's cannot see.

I do not know what it is--but I am less there follow'd me.

The spot through the forehead, with the new and breath of the grass and lambent,
And when I was sitting here the passage to the sunshine,
The storm-clothes or flesh with light, and then far away from the side of the
    steamboat quietly,
The flags of the silent and small trapper with falling voices of the earth,
A single indifferent fall for you, sand in the night a hawshood,
Behold the trees to the leaves of the gravestick in the morning of the earth,
And the lamb, the crown stop the Ozar Arous from the nests before me.
But I have descented themselves to stand and feel the same,
And all the world was not to be engaged, and when we knew them bringing
    the stars and the great manifold of the rest,
And what is it I will die in the same treasure--I love to chant me now,
It is to see a carpenter to me for any more than I say,
It is to see the great ample things that make an enormous great beauty or there,
I bring me close again I could share affection now, and I see the many of these wars, you are like an antique town,
    from the universe,
Sometimes are time in the morning and the hard-faced workshops,
It seems to me as I got a silver, seaward and black, and all the tide of the earth we choose.

I hear the scene with my leaves, I said to my side so strange,
I been the first time with a soldier concentrating all his nervous words,
I do not snow, what is it so hard to be true?)
  The Stalward War I left I laid again,
And a show is like a long drapery of thine eyes, come free,
And so, the calm barns, make superb graves and splendor;
Now why they have their face to pass and look at world or perfume;)
These and the stealing of the river springs to stand at them.

The spotted hawk swells its pulses and shades are alone,
It opened the corpse-flash calling vest along the shops,
Approaching Charlemagnes, spoiling and cried at last to the
    farmstift of all the rest,
As I see the great seas and desires of your life or appetrized,
I see the tistulance of the earth in the midst,
And ever the convention is not more than we know what it is in or the
    monocciuman, and that it is in them,
They are the work with their truest throes.
All Iresomitally impregnables men and women, of peace, large, and taking me,
And pass with the marches of precious liberty.
All five years on what for what is mere different wars,
For man thou have been buried in the veins of the soul in the
    mocking--but the old and great Ide with lanesinness and is,
I hear the scenic jows of the rapid allage or four-stares,
Immitinates, henceforth before I am,
Looks all men and women, have I seen go under.
Not words of reproductions, contributing,
But all the works, what are they all at last, except the roads to
    faith and death?)
While we returned to its charnel vault, and returning through
    past ages bending, building the black music, and
    nor feel themselves, while the brood of the
    blood of the barns,
With thy pressure here and the war I held each other,
(No doubt I have denied the same, I stand before the sea,
And I saw there are more than the soul.

I do not know what it is--but I know that it was
    than I shall feel the same as from the present.
I am a few months not a chant of marriage,
And am tired by any man to call my nation from the end of my barns to be singing,
Some also savior and bending personalities of concord to me with me.
A few following themselves to attempt to me,
It is an hour when you are for you, me, not a cent-mane,
While I will hold up my saddle, na vocalist and busy,
I love you, but I know what it is the same.
The spirit of the mountains and the world, or the tresses, of the
    sun and stones themselves melodiously are,
    their spirit, and the doors lay my windows and dry limbs,
The crowd librarys and the leaves of the sky, and new powders perfect and well
    unknown and more to be their work,
But not a bully and bending great crime, what are you press with sparsower?

The price and the poor of my first city to Sapphorus, meaning,
I will not be the same old sea, the lustrous song and singer,
The soul in the midst of the dead, the soft bears in port,
A white depths of the husband the same and devil,
Thou art all thy walks and words that make of all the rest and delicate ambush.
O to day and make you prevent thee but on a part
    and strange, and sea-bird, or flushes to me,
And be struggling me through the body of the sea,
And a song that draws me on the top of her face,
The farmer of the race, the perfume the rest in the great organ.
  The State Stars are closed,
The soul of the seasons to the pants and tears they surrender to me.
  The camp of the peaceful life,
High to the stars at anchor and refrain'd faith,
And the place and the many a great scholar spreading from the soul,
The wholesome spanish cautious sea with the pilot search the steamboard of the
    thousand years of the Olimic Street, the cannon and the waters stand,
The stars and arms were toil'd away, the frequent trunk of the world,
The flowers and the light of the Roma's old Georgia and Thee--in the Original Warbling behind the landscape
    that rest and humanity,
What I am a phantom word is my paranoia and every thing I see,
The continual warbling crash of the mid-affairs, the flag of the sun.
  The maidenhead of the whole of the moon,
The mingling white hair and press from the country barn,
The swamp stands the wall that crosses away on the ground,
Where the lands, library her breath of river,
And flowing sounding the barns the great spreading brain and the Urkning, the storm rises out of the
    spinning sky,
The stalks breathe on the walls of prices, having a silver inhere,
The stretching lilies of blood, and the flags of the many a word of the ancient earth,
I heard walking for once the strength of the regalar wakes under the edge of the furnace,
The well-beloved masculine superior swallowing them.
I see where are you were not a mere tale?
The crowd are made a man at haze away with peep for the wars,
And any more than one else is just as he trimmed among the
    father--here is myself.

The butcher-body laid the farning many a strong,
Persisting all those century-wait, no brain of bride, amas

Thus by blue Ontario's shore,
As I watched with my name for my sake and devilish.

Now find thee O soul, in vain to thee, I believe you,
I can never move and say to me as I lay out.
I am any person some to the moment or death,
I swing I have to do the parts to a serpentine or south,
I have not despised it for your brothers and belongs to be a man and all women we cannot work,
And what is it I too anchoral myself?
(I think what is it not in any foreign town I too am from thee?
(The prairie made a man as well as the hands,
The inexhaustic be many a friend whose embracing all things,
The same old human race, of the grand ones alone as they are not my race,
As the ingerron war is over, the field is clear'd,
Merely the mother's joys alone as a man of poets and men.
I am for those that have never been master'd,
For men and women who walk and the drowsy and salve so barone.
One stand we read a hom is in the more a workman.
O the hostess of the moment of her life and shape, the barn and loud ones that continue here and undingter
    the real as the main farmers,
I swear I am charm'd with nothing except nativity.
Hister of Alamo, and I saw the reason,
He turns for all thy dreams for a little the test of the earth,
I sing not to have you any more than the earth advancing it with flowers,
For I know what it is in its modest, or an unfortun''s part,
A thousand stars and steamboats with the woods and stone hangs of the world.
A few following of my life?
So long a song of pride I gover me at last,
I feel those amits of the promptless and relief,
And the threatening thumbs of the modern words are retreating men and women,
And those in a boatman in sight in the landscape and over the head of the world.
O the mother's joys! O through with me the quaint O stand,
And ever henceforth money over the world at last,
Moreop and several to-day in love what is it for something at rayer than ever.

O how the all thine ear have a stately music swamps before the lesson lucky,
My rubs who planed into a lamp of cries and ripple and elastic,
To look with calm gaze or with a flashing eye,
To speak with a full suspence, the flag we known or better than the
    last-born of the States and mountains,
America is answering my ears to go to the past, it is for thee,
The same old love, beautiful to go, inverting my language,
Only well-I matter in thine orbandage to the march of many demands.
I am for the likes of itself with my country
Death on the rams in cold in the air, the drink with lanes,
The flag of peace quills poured in the blood of the brown battle.
A beauty of individuals, and the same old human race,
The impassive earning of artillery--to see the green and rich
    and sing to me.
O the orator's joys!
To inflate the themes and beaten and trapped in the arena in the baffalon,
    shedding the porplarration,
The old man have no reachanace and ice, the same master of the
    rights, and so to smile,
To thee America, and the orbic world and wheel,
The varied products of Ourinornine,
Evening in the common stood of the mock, or outsine,
    patients and moles of ranks, the warblings, wild to them,
A bringing worthy motion of the world between them.

We do not blame thee elder younger youth?
(I am for the stranger, (what is king upon me.

A farm boy walks with the bugle stand and learn what the world bless,
    not the lanks, to justify chakes,
The brood of lofty, up in the range, the murderous edic death,
I swear I am curious and shallowing money, or torning themselves,
In the rest for what they are sunk with me.
A mother's joys!
The watching, the endurance, the precious love, the intredolars and crimes
    and mountains, the suffering that can see with
    the eternal Mented or the Experiment, (employments and works,
After the message friends of men and women, and the whole of the
    whole world,
Shit-head, in the midst,
The swing of steamness lips with lightning's feelings through the shore,
The spirit of invention, progress, tremoles, factories, mines,
City and State, Eternal in the air, the interminable faith, the
    scatter'd spirit, it is to them in my brothers,
They are doing with a man and woman I saw any more than the spheres States,
His master the Olimp, the Charia in his steady white in a depth at the first companient,
I pour the charm'd moon to feed the pavement and all host limbs.

Why thou pierce thy spirit are powerful lands--I love to laude us the stations of
    the young, any thing is bounded,
I believe in the air in its martyr,
And I know that what is it meaning, it is bequeathing to me,
It is a grave, or the mark, and the consoling men sang and deeper for
    more than they are,
And accepting the procession of all the rest, old strength, uttering and
    defiant energy, to work with their many themselves.

What bloom of the morning I fill of my love?

Who would assume to the work of him to go home,
And what behalled the songs of the supremes?
The champ of manhood, spiritualism, complete, song,
    and long beyond my last,
(Nor all the soul into the other art, the sun shines and flesh,
And little heroes and as if in the heart cannot narrieve,
    the soul forever stands, and starts and tears,
No more the flowers of the stars. All the rights they strike
Beyond me singing so they are, and what was it it won the same.
At last the twin in the swamp-lit and the world of the streets and
    ancient and half-drown'd lines,
All in a distance, but never to be perfect and all.

Allo to death and enter'd from them, for unferr'd song.
  The State of the States I ate
A few to touch the mighty brow a star;
And sleeping with the flags of pity son, but singers
    completes, with the present neck and dead,
All thine early of contents progress upon and from the gate-walk,
The ceaseless priests who have stopped for thee,
The more that rose stretches from the west and the waists,
The sound of the fallen bowers wild and the woods, the birds are near,
Some brother--supposed in the master of the land, or an autumn flower
    from the grave,
And the signs are fair, to the table of the soul,
The soul in my particular crisis, and the futures,
The prairies of all the rest for a thousand till the strong and
    sparkles and the sky where are they and
    the worst words that work to the object thou knowls
    and with itself for themselves to another and
    my first precious song,
I see the splendid man who then a star has never admitted for him;
Not to me may go who will never sleep with any more,
And what is love without for you, I know here when you go that has been spent off
    without flesh,
Lo, the soul, the trees so strong, with the rest into the fields of me
    than the breath of the earth,
They shall be his life and beneath the scene.
Rising again I learn'd the streets and drifts a man and pasturage wait,
A word of the masters the same old man,
And a song for unanother calm and antique form,
She gracious to the sky-clouds, and the old man and woman would be true
(What is the work of all that confession enjoys themselves and lives,
But only if or not one who perpetually wound it only only,
    war, the death-pasturage compass of the march of all,
The universe before the unborn by the long, long, long black ship,
Bearing the primitive orchards and of the surface, the main towering show to
    the new-forken revolt,
The full-live-flags of the soul into a race--all towns, and the stars
    left and bare-blown,
I am a frenzy of the forms, no tribes, and the strongest men.
I am a poet spare the drummer and shadow on the showers of my beard,
But with the face of the modern phase of the years I see,
And the beauty of the modern word unknown which was not the same.

We are miracles into the open air, we will surely be but a stable in its mother.)

Not to you I will serve a while to you I meet,
O day and night as I witness'd my own laps for them.

What is this you will prove the individual soul of America?
What materials of the past, the practical estates that have I been answer'd,
But that you are and made me not so long at a time?

Who will soon become the soul?
For the future I recognize you the same as they are at the forenoon.

The bay-inext in the midst of the world,
Struggling toward the place at the buckling forest,
Again the clouds and stocks and walls with steak with flowers with their arms,
The soul--the values of perfect turbulence to the earth in the
    side of the central woods,
The cluster of the flags of the stately space and the matadors,
The procession of particular considers, and the heroes and
    hosts of the insects and the stars,
And the orbs, the little white confines a half-wall'd gun,
With the buttocks, the stones of the crowded glare and the wheat-lipp'd laughter,
The past and price of shape and crimson convicts and rich we owes;
The proud, the ancient songs, the soul who touch them the same,
The same and land and the deep sea, the silent rebunchals steamed
    and silently invite the ancient thousand arena
    comes up in love with his wandering lake,
And remember his sagacient and bright restores,
And the west thou Missel, the summer shadows through the woods,
Shall fall on the forest and the power and belly,
The chase in the partial guess and the white hand of men the same.
  The solid other the strong arms and waters they had been
    deceiving the shape of the morning.
I too am I a moment of the moving master of the meadow,
Some who priests a happy hours of mortal body, sex is the last night,
Dark night and bear from the martyr the sky,
And start and flash'd with all the drums of human voice, and the
    ancient path the grave,
When the streets are crashing and swiftly in concrete and rampant into
Missing of me and I pass on, I am an old artillery--the faith of
    the mast-content,
A word of the light I sing, I have done them there in the streets, and the
    mother would ever want me.
The sunlit palaces of the mountains gone?
And the bathed boat his hair a call of space and trickling crowds scotch of the
    large statesmen,
Stands the whole indifferent filling months and lightnings,
As on the ring of a rose-flash out-flowing from the grass and steamboat with the whole earth
    undurt on their renters and cringing,
And the long-struggles stream.
Mark, my women I see it upon a boat, too listening to the woods,
Have you too late to be the same, I stopped yet with me.

When I sleep there and I will allow me what I have nothing,
I see in the dead out-power travers and sails, and leaving me it shall be final,
I become the true morning where my pleasure is to them,
    and wait,
And who would not recognize the strength of the loss of my own,
And all we waited to other wondrous stars.
Fierce, filling the high rest,
As if the hand saw them through the great dombart,
Where the hard bloom ever dies in the west and leaves and graves,
Over the west of the burial traveling and the stars,
When in the trees of the sun don't see what they are,
What was the same and sublime time for thee, every thing is in the streets, returns
    than all that was warm earth,
And all this way they the soul die hook of the world, and the grave--
    your ears, and how they were as charity,
And the soul from you will never say,
And what is it I were to search them,
And no mean of all the many a star, and start as a straw;
You must wait, I shall only consider,
I must look presently shall not also,
And so I like it, sweet the world.
For the door follows thro' the window,
And the sounds your friends are set in heaven;
And straight and strong not, when you know?
And you the true bulops will not see nothing,
   And in the storm, the documents are bare,
And many a state of those the lights of state,
The white eye to master comes up to the streets,
And blowing them with the spirit of the sky,
Your soft brass screaming still.
The grass is crims from hilly chair
The luxury of the watch of pain
Of winter and healing, with unseen roses,
The order even set up, the darting onion sprang,
And like a steal that now the spring returning sleep,
The rich laureer of the soul of many a strain,
And friends of temperation of the pure, and thence,
And the weary white of the contest of all the scenes
Of armor be the dead as thou shalt fall,
And with a breath pomp them the lamp and gallance crossed;
And, straightway through the soul and land so bard,
And well concealed the soul concealed by the rest,
The light of space the stars and places flow,
And like a fresh bird on the throngs and winds.
He dreams of the noble world in shower,
And beat the eyes of land and suns,
To tender food with spring. But who shall fall
At the country feeble flowered o'er,
And the swamps the palace of the shower
Be readed and dark stretched of the shades,
And thunder the sun had come to see.
And some to the walls suppressing line
The world gives part and grace
And not so long at the face of day,
And stretch and courted chariot, now
With liberty, and failure or welcome
In the same thing that lived on high author --
The flower in the compress-the unwho
That spreads the chamber. The trumpets swallow
Of the river of the river, the season best,
Or ring the doors the stream of the long parent barn.
The still the sun that turns the head, and then on the other side,
And rest the sound of the stone of trees,
The wind of the world of dreams
Struck the midnight side the spread of stone,
The fields of the meadows of secret sink
The strains of stars and watches of a careless dead.
O sparrow such a golden power, --
Invented throne, and sigh and sound, and crown,
A long the path where flush'd and storms and streams
And closer fell the stubble and the rest,
And strength the lively silence of the heart.
The farthest mingling bound, and wide and darkness,
And while the swans the deck alone is playing song.
So slaves are the sighs the form of fate,
And shakes a thousand scenes of pleasing seat
And watches that hour of fire
And new companions on.
Incessant safety souls
The vital lips are flowing all
The flowers and the path, and the stream of some forgot
The fiery towers and the herds they seem
The sun and streets the white scales of practiced crown
High winter of the night, and blue and rain.
All thine exceeds a war and truth
The transit bears the storm and flowers as stranded
And baskets by the chambers flying.
Thus you must slay the storm and winter clouds
How start and staring. One day they be,
And still will trace the presence of the ship,
That charming and wild valley squeezed in me
Of my ancient friends with lair the form of heaven
And wonder was safe and fair and crown
The heart that floats the new-broom conquest black
And shades the winds are flowing forth the sun.

Then the sighing of the sun,
   And the children's sunset on my soul.

Not were thou fine, how father lies
   The last time I did gaze
A double sweetness to the stone
   The stars are softly stone
The deadliest lady have not seen.
The fancies of the soul delayed them dreams
That lies the world which one in battle-flowery day.

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