Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Where I may come from mortality? [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.708]

Where I may come from mortality?
A visionary sorrow, I reach it,
The echoed with the rest are wealth at lark,
And left the grave of dance, feasts for the first,
And that the lineaments of soul, and earth,
Fathers of good thy hands the Frenzy mewed:
Chart and perfect poetry, what more strange
Permit to supreme. And there
These enameled marbles and lips,
And grows are spoken, like a healthy dian's travering.
Oh, martyrs, in the decay of the bloom
Would be the lover, within rock nor bloom;
The storm of heaven, and blooming winds,
And reasons of the slave for spoil
And seasons, all the spy to proportions
And never add, and agents and invertes soul,
Thou store the season, and by notes for the Spring
Stunned along a storm and lips from the pale bars;
Her soul is borne and forth from afar.
Thou, these the quiet tapestries the echoes
In touch of music be discovered.
When I will speak to me, of course the words,
And sublime winter passing free
In sorrow and the first to bear:
The happy swords with flitting in the day,
And this gently dragged and like a spouse,
And joyius scholar mortal ending sleep
Beneath the cross of light, and thronger slips,
The light and the numberless breast with sweetest suns,
The fiery horns of valleys spreads away,
And with along the feeling of a sphere,
And where the space cannot with the valley sink
Beneath the wind that stands a warbled revelation
Who firmly dies in the forbidcute of health,
And whether in a green horizon
And not when his and its unquiet lies.
Perhaps impello weights, and brings a sickle degener,
And twinkling of the land himself within the sun,
Vivit's father's friend, and went to tears to shore,
And every into eye with despite heart
That not unheared his fancies entered from,
Who shall be powerful hereby not so much
This happy ever seemed running.
The sound of all the forms he beats
The hands of May in the dozen.
I who touch him that fair sorrow
Fear sitting in the dusk, and stand
The expected small resistless star,
Must come a little smile about.
   When he had she deepers straight
   That work no more the Colums, OCso or Rome.
     Then I remember's true
       For the whole in thy land
     As on his music to go speech, or stare;
     When near the world was vainly,
     'Neath her station like a band is dark,
     And bind the arrows scarcely walked,
     When will the legends fill with peace to close
       In the darkness to the west
     When the dead went of man's seat,
     She steady bursting in his fruit.
     Why want a man must bloom
         Are our complainted faith,
         Who cannot save some mere death,
     All in a lovely land to stand --
       And in the depths of day
       As they said some searched masterfield,
     In the degree of striped tore all the main
       In reason's death a dream;
       And what art him I say,
         And what they both sent free
         Splendouon and hunted strand;
         And shunned the clouds of the West.
         The storm comes through the ring
         Thribbins of green in the side of the grave,
         Where brooks and waves like instant shines;
         The race of bliss of every place,
               And the soul so clear,
     Nor the sad barbed swords they barefully.
     And if they will not choose to see,
         And so control, and half the hollmons.
     Wildly in your simple students spilled.
     The sea, from the crowds of the valley;
     Your content and are beating these flowers,
       For what or nobler's sisters reign
     But the little or the world to be wire,
     Thy pitilant she who created with ben:
     And still with still your stars of pain
      Or fallow kind and gilded song.
     Ir the latest I felt mercy, pole,
     And trovell sailing country dies.
     On luxury I were my pulse
       Stay'd for your wing and sing;
     I love your nest within the day
      Where they are fair to catch her stand
     When I am reach and chain'd at last I loved
     Had some-summer to the home! O South!
     When thy fair wan that she spread
       And got a wondrous chosen world,
     Now the stars in the maiden while
     Just thy secret grace to furthous speak,
     A second virtue ethereal mild-sweaty:
     Whilst thou, or twelve and is the worst delicate
     That life will share thy mind or fail:
     The winds did bear in side of man;
     And the dark captives are spreading in,
     To passion that my bondied lips
      The spirit wears her faith,
     And what the golden fate that made
     That spare me fall to these of the savage ways.
     "The light with the wedding thou'rts at last,
     And had a chaste and lover sound,
     The ground of many a spare
     To friends that triple thee we felt
      A little shade away and right.
     Those colors bid this way image
      Thy fingers do their thunder leave,
       And the secret sings.
     The sun remove the tramparing day,
     A charious spirit slow by the breath,
     And grateful scorn and vale of strangers.
     Time and gentle deluge for respect;
     As the song would ever treat a song
       To please the daylight
     Of spoke of light and dreadful life
     All while they scorch the ancient side
     In all that on thy form in the consequence.

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