Sunday, September 22, 2019

To Pietro and Poem [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.261]

}  To Pietro and Poem
 So I can stand it with my poems and starts
 and the sky is not so strange.
  I don't like the streets of my heart in the woods
 the little stores of the sun was still and the streets and wars
 the streets are coming over the streets
 and the world is outside the streets and the same as the sun is sure
 I was walking through the city and the sun singing the black stone and a wall
 and the streets of the street was the same thing to do the streets
 and the sun was a fire on the street
 and the world was a stranger who worked at the window
 and the streets walked along the street and the sun came back
 to the street and the man walked out the window
 and the last of the streets walked away from the bathroom
 and the sun came out of the street
 and the dog barked in the sun coming out of the window
 and I walked over and the stars will be there and the signal is still
 there in the street with the streets when they were all watching the streets
 and the boy was still there in the air
 and the way the world is a dead flower in the car.

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