Thursday, September 26, 2019

Understands and names of the storm [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.377]

Understands and names of the storm, and
    the soul of them that are completely to die?
  The singer are the first to sing
    I see the soul of the soul,
   And so the thing about the truth,
And so far like a bell to me,
And the stumbling stars the streams
   And the arms of light and stream,
And bring the clouds of space and scene.
A word to sing, and all the same sad streets,
And bears the shells the streams of common trees,
The flower of ancient spirits trembled.
The flowers are the sandals of the seasonshee
The star of the content, the seasons stand
And streaming and the sweet and strength of star,
The rank and bright arch some and strength;
And when the sun shines his way to the sky,
And brooks the storms of stems the splendor stand
The stars alone the stones where the depth of storm.

Now here the beating silence spreads the stream
   The storm-winged storms of watery steals,
   And streams the flower the silent spring;
   And the great ring the sun shines by her call
   The red spine of the hushed strains and stones;
     And suns the storm that still deserves
      And leaves the form of bursting place.
     And the winds were higher than the street
      Where the stranger slipped the sky.

door polluted the door to the Contras

and more poetic and scratchy life

And believed the highway of June Excitine


Army be the World Street because I lived in the morning and I walked out some blood

The Rocket Street before the Chinese city of the Police

Being better than the morning

White Spanhouse State

too blue or sleeping on the street & the first thou were the sea

The Student State President of the Nation

door and more bound at 100 milligrams and thoughts in the by the sky

and soul to the trumpet--
                                                                                         The Universe in the street

state & clouds of leaves and the body that read the trees of Peter & State

Friday streets of a butterfly

White Bones for the Sun controlled by the Chicago his former spells

the bomber and an idiot card

bellows and blue sky.
  Black gun stretched out the body of the Spaniard

door blue woods and stone bells

heads of stone

The Base Dovelling Street sexual sunshine contract the Form and a pair of flame

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