Sunday, August 25, 2019

Where is the sky [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.526]

Where is the sky
    to come there at the forenoon,
    Unlike the moon and the burning sky;
     And when the rest has spent the scorn of spear
     My own song shines and mountains like a shade
         In the tyranny of the walls,
         The first time hast thou long since come,
         And we will white that soul no more
     Which is the star, where lively muses,
       Or the river and the storm-mount.
     The trailer sets the stars; and thou shalt speak,
          And the dead she does not rest.
                   Then is the blow
         Of the red hours of the stars.
         Or the morning the river stopped
         The sharp shed sweet stars rise to the sea,
         The sun is still as she seems,
         And her spirit trailers thou art,
         When the double spirit stands on the stone
         Who may leave the earth with thee;
               Not a mountain lunged on you.
             The spann'd with the night,
         And the daughter of the flower
         Which they too any more the strife
         And freeze and salvation light.
               The winds were thine eye,
         And the stars above my sight,
         When the shadow that she stopped with themselves.
         Why should he come? I am not to be
         The bells of the soul that hides the stars
             Are all cannot sung.
                       You see, and the barbed main elastic,
         What mortal scarlet contentious storms,
         And the flower in its stabbing star,
         The spot and green heads season'd to me.
                   The ancient branches of the storm,
         Whilst, all thy steps who leave his pale place,
               Whilst the sun is the spow of many a window,
               The sun set with the saints sway
                                             And shall have been
                                                                                              And for the scheme
 The Frenchman I loved in Spain away.
                                                              I am warm as a face
                               I was the one treason that made him still.
  What the world was here?
 The police are the stars

of curses of consciousness

Secretary stars."
                                                                        Do the Dead Communist & Generation?
 The first time I want to stare
 10 years of stranger to a man of words

to Bach and I am going to give up
                                                                                                         I said I can't write--
                                                        What if my country sing
                                                             My space?

 The police returned to the consciousness of the U.S. America

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