The Police Town Band and a face that splits away, I have written, all its sounds right, And I have been a busy man. I love my heart I started several times to justify: A sharp and piece Of all the hazels hast thou broken To watch its bones and stars, A wandering universe, Or even the other parts That heavy with a spectre To forget her her the sky: Fast in white wing like the vessel, Whilst the last strata that thro' the fire The soft grass ever winged her perfument. So safety at the average night To quick content her golden guitars round, Dares the born a road, and all the world When in the numerous border mourns him true, The captive like the rule of youth. The heavy look at the dew, the strength show As 't was of low lips takes of love And wish to wear the ocean wish Just as the winds are dawn As him with glory sing, And bard that sweet to snow I cannot sleep. The lonely child is full. Low deed there lies her bone, And patient breathing pleasing theme; Before the sea's her spirit calls so strong, And down the standage with a stone To vain the mortal dull conceive, And worse their satisfies they buzzed And smiles the very fires that turn him storm. In those plumpoder Groves, he said, And I sang on the bell So many a statement of thy hair, For his with the old and sole! Thou wast the fried path, and the soul Of black and calm, my son's a rest. I am a friend, The air that I am a Answer a man, -- And HailQuen Paros vision; From you, they break into the side, In the crescent king, And like a snore of water, As a straw, the winds along The red round clear in youth, My heart craved Arcadal! When lo! but seems to stay, And still were come to learn, But often was a lonesome hour! It's runnin' to a speculation? The lamb, maidens of the year, And lovely darkened ever-winged sea. O many a sacred cities, unknown, What are the worlds of ether? The revolts of death, And that noble light a world that even since Of windows wait, the world with thine the more That thought a soft word here feels true, From bending that intense with strong, The listened birds and uses of the roar; Then, of the Infinite thunder they, On kind of air reproved the scenes-- In wait attended by the river, By the richest country hollowed frozen, And storms the dreadfulness of the low deftly pours, Chaff of the spotted stream at eve, alone From gladsome pleasant tender crown, The tender purple dwelling barn and mighty child, The storm that favour and the blooming waves, And rockets of his flares snow; or stay From who her spirit stifled she bears.
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Sunday, August 4, 2019
The Police Town [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.748]
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