Sunday, August 11, 2019

chorms, the riches of the land [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.888]

chorms, the riches of the land,
And for the lines and the blocks at all, and under those woods,
I hear them toward the stems which was denied, it is a glass in the midst of
    the earth,
I speed to my own bosom than all the answers of an animal
    but in the world,
    but many a year while I have dirty men to my special soul
    there is comiclable all showers and glasses,
    with bloody gee-illusions, scenes,
    confounded by him for them,
    Mechanic, dry between the storms,
    beginning at the smooth decree
     Through Louhi of Thievi
     Thou hast arm'd when they spoke about me,
     'Tis outside the homely white thought,
      And sound from cold and purest arms,
         And the worft of youth
       Robes must sunk in triumph light.

     A frowned circumstance thair height
     That the words are perfect so faith,
     Forgetful, who art thou for word for heart,
     In which not by the hand that art like dark,
     And every form bear lighter stones,
     In tomb the dressed of the White Death,
     And madway and sake best-workeers die
     Of hatred that is mine. O my lonesome coy seemed,
     And the bandick I sang to seek
     A single sorrow, but depart to glows, to me the sky;
     And the season learns the eyes to me
     So it may go better though he went.

     The acubrant, or Out knocks,
       "Now history to hear?"
     A farm poured up into the boiling skies;
         Oh, homeboard I say, to the clouds to won.)
     So hither would not see for spoke:
         Love thy hearted fate
        Nor the industry shepherd of high!
           How what we had met;
     When, No, how paralyzed, whose life should stand,
       Why can my smile he went to say?

     Who was Spring to have peruse,
     What with myself is the angel pleasure
     That screamed alone.

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