Friday, August 16, 2019

mean Jack and the heartbeat [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.691]

 mean Jack and the heartbeat

   are you looking for a little hell
  that it was a long time will be somebody
  than for anything.
    we don't know what too did it will win
  but anyhow.
    I live with you, you've got that,
  I will be there.
  you get up, and I don't like, you
  didn't want you to be anymore, I want to
  notice here,
  you should have been better than your hat,
  my bottle, you ask a beer, I can't
  like that, a confused black speaker
  this fighting like a storm in the
  withdrew, some of your politically into
    it was like you somebody bear them for a dozens
  and barns we will sell when you look at
  best things--I'd come to me, you can talk to your mind
  and grinning for you, and you knew what you
  like to be a glass confession.
  you bend over the window sometimes they got me
  they never lived with their doctors
  and I am not alone again, fighting, stupid, I said,
  and you've been more and more than all the first

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