Monday, August 19, 2019

way a man of peace [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.261]

This is a very low temperature poem. Streets and streams are repeated often, which indicates a larger number of instances of these words in the training file. Later we'll do another one at a slightly higher temp so we can see what changes happen as the neural network "loosens up". 


way a man of peace,
And the streets that start and look at the stars
The streets are closed and softly brings
The sun that seems to be the streets of the singer
That speaks the strength of the profile of the streets,
And the first time the sun was there.

The stars the soul the soul was fair
The stars and winds and whirls, and the stream
That stands the streets the stream of woods,
And heart the storms of the storm and stream.
The strains of the stream of strength and strength
With the black storm and the stars, and the stream
And starting o'er the stream of higher stores,
And stretched and spiritual as the stars
That straight the charming whirl of marble flag,
And strained the world of straining streams
And strength and life and strength and strong
And singer to the stars and streams.
The streams of stone the streams of sparrows streamless gloom
And streams the sun the strains that shake his strength
To perish to the streams of strength,
And starts the dead among the streams
Of stars and stones and steals of strength,
And starting from the stone of the fields and storms,
And the red rose of strain and lands; and then they see
The storm of the streets of the fields and stars.

The grass and flowers are pressing they tremble,
And grace the strength of the contented stream
The sun that shakes the stone where spirits love
The soul into the world to comfort be;
The wind is sleeping on the streamlet stream,
   And the stars with the dead the spirit to the streets,
And the stream of the spirit of the storm.
The stars the stream and strength are still
   And streams the stream of strains and streams
And lights and stones and stealing towers;
   And the stream of strains are green,
   And stretch'd the stones of light
   The world of straining shades
That start and streaming for the stream
And the stream of the dewy storm
   The sun was still as they spread the stream.

The star is said, and bring the crowd
The sound of the stream of the shade
   That showed the dark and streaming star,
And start aGong the stars and stones,
And lifted strength and stone and strength,
And hear the winds and flowers of the sun.
The sun shines in the streets the stream
That blows the stream and the perfume
   The soul that stretches with the sun shines,
   And stretch and starting o'er the streams
   Of the stars that start again as sheep.

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