> that revolt, A new-breath flower the burning green dreaming dollar flash of streets-- house curled balance to keep a Speech I was the Spaniard American Theatre Police Don the Door of the State Dreamed the Army with the Self at the Moon And the Muse is dead contemplating the old man standing on the play in the Mexican Third Business with the Eternal War without the Consequence Confused again returned to see what they were dead. Now they say, the charm of the many things were funny in South America and Allen Stars door some blood and watch the old man's heart . . . of the body probabilly why it is To stay the leaves of the hotel in a dozen window Starvation of Nature. some more of a big fun aminotias a cigarette And the grave in her head at a guard in the table streets" Just not the party of the Court Service Ali History-- red blood) Where is the Sun that started the street And the dead cards in the trees and watches An animal waste with a strange lot of voice says Earth and Russia And for Man Ramage to Junk to the Reporters to spit out the lights Separation of the body of the Nation Mind to the President media of with a monkey that workers . . . I walked out of the fence of the Chinese "I want to talk about the Metal places" Police arrived of the Charlie Hospital The Revolution of Manhattan, the Kingdom American Red Shout bearded bones. How many happy Me! Where is the Engine State? What is the Bomb? Who wants to be seen with my life searchest of the trumpets white window as they got the body as exceptional stories of red butt the roof and started meat Seatons to speak to Andrei-- Lord has a work of for a busy the counter and and the dog barked Experience and Contractiant on rest North American State Building The End of Anti-Chrusteat in the bar Spenmal Marijuana in a bag of prick Money from the Prophecies of Police And the streets of the Moon I don't like the storm from stretch out of my soul the Bomb and Red red party trees in the Court Street retwitted the Doctor's Hairy April the Chiefs" An America comes out of American Contemplation and Revolutionard Spellson decades Bomb and a low boy of the bus remains of all my own dirt. I don't like the man of the Dead Third The Harrican Contemplation With Art Times Square with the skin of man. With the mother of but the powers of the air and the time from the mountains" great Police Edgeland door for the Basement.
These are poems generated from a multi-layer recurrent neural network. Some small amount of editing was done... As of 2019, no editing is being done on the poetry. If you'd like to offer your editing services please contact us.
Thanks to samim 23. This uses a modfied version of the char-rnn api
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Tuesday, August 27, 2019
> that revolt [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.462]
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