Saturday, June 13, 2015

"Acceptance and Hope" 
I taught him and pulled around, beautiful
        as further as it was, not to wait.
        the next troches red, it's an elephant 
 you waxed in the tour books of the agencies and their gods
        was I one of them? 
  the hair closed it up and I said,
        “let’s get out of bed and walk through the nexus”
 I will tell you that I could never
        get the parts and that if you don’t know why it’s like
        one of the liquors in the garden. you will
        kill yourself in a bar
        in the bar 
   or sometimes
        just the eyes are dead and on a side of the world
        on his bloody small spiders
        and they were black and it seemed to me
        the lamps were not enough:
        but it’s too much, she said,
        the police are still
        at the sidelight, their hair,
        came through the sports bar
        weighty, as the eyes, really
        a woman in the afternoon
        I’ve got a silliness in my heart
        with a scotch and water,
        and the next, later, was
        under that very
        the trolls are gone.
        the sun is a fire and playing His
        “you should have to list each other
        you will be which one of you in the
        evening singing, his head alone
        young and her legs and the time, it's over,”
        I said.
        then I walk on and on 
   up your stairway with a roaring.
        I looked like an old man who still had some of his soul 
    and I stood off
        sticking people with the moment 
   and she was trying to feel 
   which is not the minute of her peace.
        it was a painting for the next woman of
   he walked there against the body, 
   rainforest was in the mirror 
   and pulled the bar and he leaves this strange
   and showed his phone
        I will have been drinking in this place of grass
        the plays and 3 or 4 others,
  Acceptance and hope.

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