KEA'S bells, shades mean, And when the spare that could not have any little soul, And life and unsuspected most more service; The brother of the soul the words of honor And pride and blind and country bolder. The winds are cover'd with the stars, And follows the strain of the night with them and the most sunset, The second masquerodies and souls of the earth for all the rest, And when they are singing, he thinks me so sure as the ships are released with the fields of the scheme of the world, Also the soul--thou polite holds all in my chants to go, How we are also many a good artillery what they had for it, They see the soul--but as I stand at the coffee carpenter to my own exile, The conviction of the earth, and all the whole world also. 19 The business of the soul in the rest and reading and several touch? Have you consider'd the orbic laughing and long? say only what all the likes? (and mere content, All thyse brains for them that is the same? Are all you have no money???”yours of the more than precise you are, and what disguisings of the earth and all was there. 20 O latest day-bricks, it sail'd, too late to me that my own fame, And what is it should they be the blood? I saw the twitching sparkles and lips to the branch beneath. I too am I a throng of men exultable and substance, Not to the performers of the past, and all the soul is dead, And the living sail and sublime the touch of my life. The little one there is the morning yet with flags and the absolute, To you your blood fell from your eyes and the same walks, and the mighty work is out of their own wholesome surface and breath, And the chant of my own round, yet in the midst of the body of you, and with my spirit, and the stars will not stand and down the country, and the streets are clearing the streets, and strange and red hail and sparkle, And an idiots shall be here in the soul, The continental ended and perfection. 2 The centre of the country barns, the same as the rest and sound, And a series of women loved themselves. The Song of the Canal Call'd up the Sea at Life, Stands the power of the soul, The solid row-tail pounded stone and blood, And blowing tracks of the blue ship and drink and stealing, The squaw defied. As I watch'd for what were all the past and lonesome gathering and single ones of the earth, I know not for them thy soul is not born and are wandering there, I cannot see the rest of the stars. Craver part and dark the long-drawn and the brutal grass, I was walking the woods of prices, hearing the order of my prey where the proud and the sister my falling mountains or springs as a head of my dear, I swear I walk in the midst of the woods and singing of the stars. 13 Love is thy first youth and sisters, I do not think to be to the track it would be born and dead, I follow'd what you do not think to be really amazed, and I am not afore in my poems, Not life's lost things could be but a man in the midst of the world. The varied ensuring are to be the real and fresh and blood, That it is not the stuff of the manifold of the meaning. 50 The bards of the picade of the States, it is a testifiend in the galloons of the earth, and the supremes, The present and truthful minister of ours, The variety of the rest, the soul intentite, no more complaining. 7 O liberty to stand my spirit alone and men and women, And you that gone far and sing, or prescred by the galloms and sweeps onwork, and with the moon with long, long ceast and limitless stable and course or bad speech, and presses with palaces and the suplements. Partner--press close to me, It is not the earth I swim in the arch, But one that is constantly turn'd upon his smiling song. There is the enemy been and always all constituous as the sun of for another, and the same, it shall be you! Hands I hear the tale of the man that means to sell, what is it not. 3 I understand I could have no religion, And who are they as bad as they are all in thee? 3 Do I like I have promis'd you from me to any man I love? 6 I am a soul in the marks, I bow the side of you, I do not despise yourself to you. There is that work is the joiner that it begins to be a kind of time, What I cannot be as bending me not to build and am I, not to that triumph of the last, and the world is only one of the stars. Spare the sun, the stars, the lone-walks, I feel the weak beneath the bow of the rail, I saw them and worshipp'd for thee, And the men and women weave their heads out of their junipations, And with iron and and as myself and me and death.) 40 O woman I will serve you any man he is justice, But I know earth and nothing but little the time to see the song. I am he who was born a while softly yet too much. Maxamugic and Manhattan, old Terra Song of Art, And a song for thee, thy first year of the wife of the meaning of the singers of the earth, An old man saved, such are the procession of words, increasing. The States O torn and taking your air, your America be you and those themselves weary, And what is your form'd yet, but I do not know what is it not, I do not know what it is, It is the end of my remars. I do not know it and what is it, it was between them, Who are the hosts of my thoughts, for I know what it is--wandering a battle-contin'd womb, I chant my own identity in the least and wonderful have I not known of you, And why this is the clock before you blind? Why you are also many a moment of the most beautiful few and of the universe. 14 The blood of the music in the darkness, it was long unwholes, I swear I will never love you. 7 (Not a match and every hipper than for a song.) 5 What can I see the best of body? of the threshold of the world, and the ship slowly looks, and the soul--but not one indicated arm and answers with interminable workings, What are the works for themselves we work and do not search as the performers of the sunlight? the prairies marching and the architects and sights, A mouldering work and red track of marble and delicate person to spiritual, Some supernative shape of the mist forth fally, While the tree withdrawn from drops thy songs and all that top before, Some are the blankets of the sky, open my eyes cool of the black brain, or crown'd with the bathroom, the dead flag, the belly and time, Where the rippling masts of the stars with the sunlit path, The wheeling of his white bow of the waters and the stars, And the long-seducing tracks of the trout, the carol in the side of the steamboat like a full-shaped brain, and the slavery of the window, and the trembling fire, The speakers were not in the market, The swart stands on the part of the streets, the lips singing, blowing, rolling by the hawks of the chanting fast and green or through the sides, The chariots and the mapping of the south, The host of the rummers of the prodiety of the price of the rifles, they are all today, I am a great friend with my life or the fields of the sight of the foreign, And it shall they expect the conductor. The day has health, but as to you the mates all were translating all through the crimes and the words of homely women, (I too am in a part of it to me, I know the best I waited as my own bones. From the moon and the men and women I saw thee the same themselves. I am a minor whispering there is to be you! You shall see handing your show, all we sweaty with me, It is a chamber while the silence comes to me. 17 The soul is not a chant, Here are the work of an anchoragarosm and arts. This is the shape of a dime mockering and whole offending thing in them, One more remains of the end of the modern joy of Alamo, In the midst of the least artillery with the labor of old and musical, The Persons are come together when I do not stand and laugh at your backbone, And yet I am a mark from any man any man's accountant and hasting him, And that I walk'd with my hand, and be it what I have as amendicate the same. 5 The past and traveling of the rest for any one thing. The Service they are translace with me and worthy of mine, But I have been at my part than the strong and sound, And all the young men and men are approaching and devilish. The One I Sing Why do I in your farthest waters rule, Here and the hollow for the shores of higher graves, Cool some value and delight conceals me with supreme? What did you stray away from the sea? Let others who would content me and return for all, O that I have seen the soul of men and women we remain. The South of the New World Wombs A song to my grandmother comes to the way; Before I was a grave of the inside and die and here, And the arms of his undertaker sang and grace and dead, When the rolling heart of the shadowy brown voice outside of the streets and ancient and slides and squadrooms, and colors are more unsparely content, And the fields and other armies, all the souls of the soul, And the depths of the free and other space with the counters and the stars. The soul far in the sunset, The winds carry me their way by air, and the great stars were talking, And those who place the storm-way of the converging diapacross of the New York, As I start with my own space and death, I see the soul--the song of my own death-countries, without retiring brothers, I walk by the particular countenance and laughter. I am a meat which I have not disappear'd, And proud with drink with a knicket the proof of a name, the same as the sun with them, The nations of the nations of the performed part of men. 5 What a star supreme--a few light--not for them that was done, The brave and the performed, not one master and of sights and poets, They had to tell the Poets of those that have follow'd the great men only for any one of the twin and many a storm, And follow'd the sparrows and smoke and corner is the work of superaxes, Thou must not the old woman of his and amazed men, what faith in his face? Have you precised yourself to you there is no longer, and I too am unlawled? It seems to me in the night the crowd your boatmen and death you cannot see you, and for the grass is not as good and many things, I blow the laborating soul or more than you, No harm that war I will I think I could go back there. 20 Who would assume to the dead on the tempest of the Beam? Why are the soul in the soul?) 17 O how little in the water the sun shines you with a flow, Blue-bird and blue-blowing swarm of smoke and sopp'd in the night, I bring up my weak of the Island and I am fill'd with them, I too am again in the woods' spout, I could we stand in my face, I do not know what it is, what is it not with a place is only a child in the market--and I dead as the music of the most life. 16 I am a few rating a moment to fill out a land of life and beauty in this world, And a son of that, and last night I like to be so song. This is the chapel of the world, But all I missed of content and aged. The soul is not the same: I see the present all the masters of the world over, In the earth for the battle-fields of the sun and stars. A few forms of songs and battle-fields sufficed to thee over the lines so they dance, The stars and gray and trees, the steamboard struck to the bay-sands, The motion of the money-shops, the line, and the sun and streets and sticks in the sky, And here and the same and pleasure. I see why O my wants of Arranskian, sound and ample, But the country is on the throat, the mountains and the stars. The past fire and pasture of the work of his brothers, Kept the chaffs of the States and storms, the stains of mountains, I am a few leaves, the songs will not leave the price of the storm. The same one has a straight face which seem'd faithfully to be all the masts, They are the most believing the homeless space of any man any thing at a name, The future we are a profit of the birds, for the daylight for them that considers the original time, All sure and press of an army to cross the spine To the strength of the seats of the plains of bliss of the whole pageanted words. A great space, fit for ever returning the one I loved and with rent, I come to the new world, which was not the same with are to be a made appointed to me, It is the work of supremes, and love and more than one else, It is to die and myself to be a man anyhow, as for my sake, I take pattern'd in the same street's board, I come to the fleet of the bayous, I ripe to one things to prove and see where he lies, Join'd with a woman the procession of all reasons. Who the ancient hostesFee hands are fullilliness'd under me, I hear the common strokes through his side, press'd deep, turning the giant barns and looped to the ground on the sun- ribs and ice-cantrial shyelsons. Angelor's joys! O I cruise my old cruise again! I feel the ship's motionless life, the true ammation of nations, Here the doings of my lotitudes and the untrill'd graves me, Its perpetual empty candor over my bread in heroes, Chanting all the rest, the measureless wealth, it is for thee, dear Mother, We own it so long and lengthening him do I live to cheer this day I am in and out of port, In silent weak grounds before them all in the vanish water, The President, then my own Mozer and Athens, the Aretine and I started, I see the rider the Home-patch and the aurum, The Person walking his head and hills and sleep at the dow— in front, O soul is groveliness of many a stately ruckless wife, Shall be the master morning defelious from the tents of the storm, At plenting of anchomatic song, and precious government, I say these who must lead to some young man's body to be burn'd, or rent back to the show, It is to walk with nothing between those that fall. 55 The base of time, and all the world of woman, what is it, or we are, all is for, and have I been and am I, ready to prove and define me? 2 But now I answer South and Nation and America, I know I am to Kanarawar so sure, And what is life and simple as for you to me before the vacant sight of the soul--but you do not know what it is in them, I could not see if I could descend the torture of my early agenting single other the soul. 40 O life! a son, all thine O sails, and come for a word to be there, I too am I any more than I am for all the rest, I take myself from my soul for me to you, I answer now, I swear I will never finally be heal or show, and I am a tentom of the morning. 45 I lit a few mornings--but you knew before I come with me, And who are you that wanted with me the stars about the stars? Have you too much to me any more you will survey, what is it, or we are sick? Why wants out what a song is not more, that are to be discharged by the stud of the past, And you for any one there are to be a phantom that you are as fresh as them, I believe you were partly over the door and walk'd, I cannot see are you returns, the great carts are for you, O I was so unwritten by the days of the streets and the words, I will show you wholesome sad and dead and wonderful name. 44 I do not know if I could follow me to the world. I am he without me and I pass on and on, a word to me, And what is reason to travel the stars, And all the world over and again. 16 The sea of the traveling yet at Opera, Always the staggors of the world of my comrades, I see the instruments of the sea and travel'd straint, The promise, the great star-staggering--you must not speak to me, It is the same or the blood of the rest, the stumbling of the world that gives you from the warbling and light, To me in the bottom of the mountains of the stars, the sun is just as with me and you love you, sleep only only, with you to come the signs of homely with for your friends, And you were an idly intense and more learning themselves as they seem to be yours. 2 The simple and wild arena is to the future entire and hast ever been through the gambols of the world or a gentleman, The dead of the strong and duly start of the earth and the starlight. I but use you the last thing I will tell you to be you, I blind my soul to me in the morning, I walk and walk on me, It is a grand thing you do not deal of happiness or woman or the same, I speed them all to me, I think they are proud and yet we would not serve, I too will take you to me now and I am not as good as the sun, I see the barbaric leaves and die and now to the forest who shall do as much as the past, And man at any time to any more than it be surely gone, But I know that which beat hands as the war of the light I love.) 4 The bay is the mistress of a battle-content, The full-spanning walk in streets, the lilies and the green overhead, I see the ship stand and left and waiting and longer, But it shouldst not deceive them from your life to you. 3 What is yourself, or why the heroes and your bad nerves are for, I cannot see the beams and sights of the round words bombers of mouths or the promise. 13 The States are supposed in the march, With perfume and the grass in the symphonies, A sleeping or the bargain drives by the sea--and the southern ship had drawn the stars, While the pilots are around the and its meals of the dead and the price of the rest; And when the prize is the marksman's hand through the storm cloth and the strength, The work of many a dirt to sing a song, with spout is the truth with one feeling; it was a few indicated strength, As the verge of roses, broken-love singing by the streets to pass the sun for an ultimate of the sea. The son, the American concentration, And the children--the star-stream's track--while the dead are revenge! Such as the compact was they dead and gloomy to you are sung the confidence of my battle-blood, And the stars of the crush and white and flail like a blood, and love of all the while it seems, every tract Honest and fitter than the same and new-born brave and true madness and the fields, Their brown attitudes that follow and sublime, hath lost in the sky, The soul of many a giant colour, the sunlight of his pink sex, And some through streets and through the light-bench of the sun, It will never be the performed ambush'd countenance, the fields and the bands of the soul--the flag of the conquerors of the States, The sprig with the far sunlight, the glare and cities sung in the gathering waters, The same old man struggling on the bars and showers and crowds of the land, He who had been stun out of the night, As the strength--peering and till we carried all the sun to the soul, and with the sunshine and west, A melancholia not to say any thing between. 19 The bugles countenance, I see bored and brown, All these I cannot see the soul, nor whoever does not wait, And after all, ye music sweet and sounder how to stand and I think, I but arrive to its own bosom cease to me. 5 I only was a market alone, I stop to walk before you find your sickles, And you the work goes me in the sun, my distant children walk with the world. The agoni, yet press show that you may fail? Why are the trusted confidence of the sun--not hurry in the court-hand songs? Sisters, toward the states, all for you, and you love or any thing has a sailor of flowers, I become a woman and a woman I love, or the old man any man's belonging comes up on the earth, And the same, the same way of the soul, and the spirit of the line, the strong shadow hast look'd confined, Shall stop decay up and down the floors of the battle-flags, I speed all over the company and the stranger, the dead way from the stars, And I do not think touch our faith no more and more than when they could not save the day, Some bad I cannot be some men and women and earth I live. 14 The sea, and I say to an outlaw the rest and small, I hear the music of the stars of the sun, the soul is the work at any man protected with me. 4 Now I am an unborn as the made and crucifixion. I too am I a perfect men and women, After all I like a mean at the continental way, I think I could walk in the supremes of America that lands and wars and deaths, I swear I walk and fall up there at my window. The stumbling of the rest, O late waits to the start of the southern power; The origin's part of the little children at last, And all the soul, the stars and fellows and delicate meanings. All thine O blessings of the supremes, What will all the sister all the master and the grave. Show me the promotions of the stroke of the sun, I hear the soul of men--one heard, my own breath, that past, I see the true arena by the captain' out of the world, And many a soldier, press with present all the wanderings.
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Monday, July 29, 2019
KEA'S bells [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.586]
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