Saturday, July 20, 2019

™ homosexual [Full Poem] [Temp. 0.446]

™ homosexual
  and beautiful and more.
  I promise to be a dead grass
  spinning about the bars, the streets of stone body and skin,
  and the wind blows from the bowl
  and the trumpets break through the streets
  and a star but the date came off a spied a giant sign at the Mexican color of the bull, the screaming of
  a steak at the stately streets of a cold place without any more
  it was a human but not all
  in the world.
  I am dead and slow along the street and we were under
  the dead.
  the whiskey is a stranger and a black fight and
  the breath of a woman in the
  I think the last of the secretaries must go on the way out of the streets
  and the counters walking the bars and crawling the
  shoes and the streets and the streets alone the other paints and
  stars with the starry man, the bad world of the dead dog barks at the stairway a cop
  that the pretzel songs are not broken in the drama
  it was like a woman who looked at me at a tomato dark and look
  and he said, "I don't know who you can't. . ."
  "I got that way to a walk that day--
  what good man will all are much good or twelve they are a lone hand, a white white bone, they walk away.
  I don't like the first time I'll be ready for the more, a couple of going to stare at my window, and I walked into the curtain and sat there too hot and sat down from the
  bed. I walked off and I walked off the street and we went into the
  car. it was a big bath of strains.
  then I walked over and there are drunks
  there was a long time in a week still alive and she said, but I wonder if he did the mailman
  and I walked across the way to the many carefully red and crying and then she said, "I don't want to be alone."
  "you should have seen me to see holf later, she was a little thing there is a collection and he was the only one of the truth about you, why you were crazy?
  you see? and I won't be a long time to talk to me, you're too old to you?"
  "I won't come truth," I said.
  "I don't like the time you've got a fellow," she said.
  "I don't know who it will find one can of person?"
  "I thought it was the interest of the brother," he said, "I don't want you to have a good game with you."
  he didn't want to see the stories and I said, "I'll get a good one?"
  "I'll give ya a new whiskey, she walked to the back of the train window, the door was sleeping and walked over and
  I walked around and around him and she kept still here.
  "I don't like the time I'll be a lot of my soul in the first time, I think, I want to see his
  face. it's been there and I walked in and out of here some more and more than a man who had a hard childhood and
  escape. I felt all with them half a woman who said, "hey, what happened to you?"
  "I don't like the main shipping that man who did you see me," he said, "that way that you make things."
  "I got up, buy a lot of stories."
  "I'll just say you're a man I knew."
  "oh, you will want to do. You're really going to be a long time you were going to do it, all right, puse your lady while we have a dictator on the track and she said, you're a gray clout stock you smell on the other world and the other don't have to be able to see the street with your bedroom somebody and hell who is best that way to do it and
  they were people are nursed and cleaned on the bar. I'm going to the grave and you're right there too often and you could love you
  in the world off the red sky and are the lady who doesn't mean to be a little while they were gone in and out of doors on the house they say and the rippling horse that you really have a lovely man and I wasn't young about the time?
  I don't like the man didn't really be alone in the third thing. and then I walked over to my chair
 and then the last time I had to do is stranger than anybody on the track.
  "I don't like it, I said. You don't believe and I said, you are a story and he said at last I don't like to die of the country and the same son of a big time. Somebody said, you come to the track and you don't know if I want to be a went on the track with me to make you let you tell you to be so standing at you. I don't even know why they were working at your side and you come to me when you're stranded and wait up in the streetcorner and save your trailing window, you can figure your books of bomber than you get away from my street before you push a cow in the bag where the wind slipped their toast on your belly and your bones didn't see the broken phone walked back the bed and the sun is going on it, but it was your love with me in the morning in the dark and I really like the same son of a big time with me, but I will we went into the morning and the same old man said you got any work in the corner?
I don't want to see you, I'm going to hear your belly at 2, and the envelope said it was somebody told me that I'm going to get all the way to send me a room and I thought, when I was the more to be a coffee or a
 man and woman in the midst of some of them
 fine, I think when I asked me the man with them looking for the left side of
 my books and then they are all we want to see the trucks of the last time I don't like the man who did many times he was almost another man who was surprised to be a different place. I walked the wood in the window and then she fell on the tinkell on a hotel room and the night got the beer of the tracket of the Bank and the door closed tve both walls and she was all walking the streets and walked back and walked to the door.
 he took a barbelet star and I went to the back walls and shot of belt and he said, she said, he said the others just wanted my time and had to do is somebody sometimes when they were on the radio and the sun cut by the rockets of blood and company
 better than the long tin girls who walked along with me to the many and the same as they are coming up through the chair to down the stairway to me like a contentment to see them away from the body and the drawbries of the street about the trumpet who doesn't come back to the world
 and the man was gone.
  I went into the track.
 and I said, "I don't know when you're the one of a phone."
  "Shit," she said, "I knew the jungle!"
  "I don't like you that anybody's got a glass of wine and it's only one of those."
  "I don't know what I'm going to do."
  "I don't do off your flame. You're screaming your belly as you can take you and I went alone in a dream and I said it down. The clock are beating a metal church was here and I am alone with you, but I wasn't anybody to do is better than any of the state of a big lane or seated. she was still waiting for a starving police state
 and you were all right, town to the rest, they were all so higher than the girl or strikes of the guy in the street with the state of beer, and the man was still a big one, and he went to the track and the stories opened the streets of people and the streets to make communists and persons and people and many a radioactive land of the street, they are all the bright ways of hate and the storm of the money in the morning.
  startled for farms, and his face gamboling the window in the sun
 and the grass is just a crazy short line, and the boy was a brown way of
  the day stretching the place of the sun
 and a box of pain and the sun returning to the streets
 and the music of the dead slave was sung
 a man who should have been angry my consideration
 to his many a company tears of walked up
 and he said and I said, I guess we were offering the last time the man must be more than anybody was the only one in the parking lot
 and he was writing his answers over and out of the line alive
 and it was going to walk away from the walls of the floor and
 fighting at home and I leaped off the window, then the same whistle is still a chair and somebody sleeps and sits in the afternoon
 and then he'll be all right and we were sitting here and saying the whole thing about the man
 and the sound of the books that make any which makes me some of them were locked
 and the contented face beat on the room
 and the characters were born to be so close to stare at a
 state of the dead. I am going to live tomatician to see the tale adored some of them
 walked over and the lonely woman and the stuff they were all so strong
 and I walked along into my brain and the world was gone.
  I walked into the corner and said and said, it wasn't a stranger about a long time while I told them all the other man that stood in the window
 I was sitting there filled with my house and started over and over and over and along the couch with the seats and farts and the streets and ships
 the next morning and a foot fillied it out of their ass, the man went off to the bed
 and we were talking about the remote to lose the night.
  after the supermarket and the lady was the sun reserved from the bathroom to see him chair
 and I went down to the bathroom and forth to him and he was a stranger and he said,
 he said, and I walked to the coffee, I watched them and we walked into the street and said, "I'll give you a soothing and I didn't know what they were angry."
  "I'll be a long time for the bum, all I guess it was best to do with me."
  "I'm not that right man!" I asked. "I can't pull up the parking lot and not seemed to see."
  "Why? what are you doing?"
  "I don't want to see if you were a woman anyway, I've got to known a better complete?"
  "The whore!"
  "You can't allow him anyway, he said, you're the one you've got a half an instead."
  "I'll give ya down the time?"
  "I'll just set on the street and said," said the other time.
  she had a beer in the bus stop and she said
 because that was the same town night again.

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