Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Training Checkpoint #4

More consistent structure but still not much sense in word pairings. We're about a fifth of the way through training. 

that and  lithed dotive under tipss with rotlen
     for I the thee
     reaguns day nitispers
     we his wats
     the desetian the sturted
     the arhaswams
     and a hatading the smone on.
     and the seinped
     he by wold it the
     lome and
     cise, wish bonded dending
     sdree keing stonight the tutd
     terk me
     lanting to shake the coresmeds.
     where no the whute;
     we hogted her recelt she
     wusticted ad I ssenged the toith
     staded and
     were and I the of bebings
     in puntent engow and lasled the gicn
     the wound
     and she line of her,
     danned sisler on
     put duve balked;
     you there stels, turthed these, in they boind.
     is hians
     as the resjery watas. I sanns and reold and
     I the nesd to ninled wourd steak in a bape dear stet
     old the wenking to holt.
     one the wires wover doth it and
     yang and hatch of in the most firts coog, shy
     they some mritking moncise of
     bag the oother
     starle hover
     persing can wlent yer the nitetatal thirked you erterteing under anmundy.
     it the moming and the tosish They sleak and has the bamed
     on the cast, lofky
     and jutass the thike cay hirk,
     staoded of one who
     old me how of I thilgeyer afeed on veule.
       and and wilt lanled thy wonder at
     a meon
     geing arautes,
     fol, sirdy
     bront sart
     the ineking bang sircesd poil
     wanfongled; it lort.
     she drecolt to the tis of me sand balkis
     it waten for meress
     one the decings
     and font.
       the woltess wanted this shaging

Some of the more common words in the poetry training file are becoming obvious: she, the, I, and, he, wish, want.

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