Monday, October 3, 2016

Training Post #2 - 10% Trained

It's a bout 1 / 10th of the way trained now.

to wonded there the asd.
 are oh got  is wowmeding of cans
     lers of rebening and enetal in to a home the jew that
     and death
     than labeing.
     it enpsrewap
     some wene tere
     the tolpy hugh
     unther cuden when on a cergusuds I rean
     on me nalde? momed their leslense gust,
     whes no were lofuden the onfokecote of she and
     to the lark, dit to vever mad.
    she wote and oe Salthere.
     we nighred the old spepes-shy.
     Chislers. the blour cusret.
     of mother
     eet and
     wote iussed?
You can see there is just a bit more clarity at this stage. There are bits of punctuation marks that it's learning and it's a little more structured.

At the lower temperature it's still just a primitive collection of words it feels more confident about:

and the borted the theat a work the thowen the were the dand the foan the and the theek the torl the tonter the and the theet the hean the want couth word of the sarled the thean bove sit and the tire the longed the that the toud bour he the hamer the forte and the datt the thenen when the thilger

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