Sunday, June 21, 2015

I am here father

 I am here father up you more in you but I can have
 inside, in my head
 and four unknew me
 the first sure were friends there
 and your break,
 when my arm and daughter is, the christer
 cared and they decide
 the whores and you don’t let me
 to be the sect of never
 fine, then it’s going to be the god we don’t say
 and somewhere the mourning boys
 unto something too she began in the birds
 ready a pitting of a burn
 there she's going and the men
 and stranger quarter,
 she got on him to the promises coming at the legs
 like up the same beautiful:
 all the crunk in red,
 and I have been things, standing and blue
 and fucked again
 she said, they should be the part I began
 and this could put off hours and there
 but over the cried beer
 and the starmaids dropped cold looks on the street
 more they climb, dogs from the shocks
 and looking out of the beer was the body
 their back to the sky
 she thinks all which was the way of the fries
 and the blasting things that I do
 and he considered the time
 and was gone.


1 comment:

  1. how did i achieve this miracle? having a neural network write a poem about a father on father's day? not much of a trick really. i generated a massive file of poems and searched for the word father or dad.
