Friday, May 19, 2017

Start of the 2nd Epoch

as we're training we'll sample both high temp and low (between 0 and 1) so you can get an idea of how the training progresses. The higher temperatures means it's more experimental with its generation.

epoch 2 with a temp of .8

    I beauty, and low yes,
     the way anywood to flim!
     hark of that leve were near old man floor that she depercanion
I pounds
     wild now.
     Char Love lifted wife work! Elater of missome dessping at Last the from horring for the bank in my generation, feel a grand so line--
                                               and it delicked to can being a very to the anmite and no to quiter shoe

This is with a lower temp of .5

here is my bathe of the car the part day the blue flower the dropped to the old passed to the dead her field
     but the blue is its the window the blood

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